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Medical Cannabis Gummies and Chews are Now Out what do I need to Get them? I have a Qualifying Condition.
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Answering Your Minnesota Med Card Certification Questions
Medical Cannabis Gummies and Chews are Now Out what do I need to Get them? I have a Qualifying Condition.

Medical Cannabis Gummies and Chews are Now Out what do I need to Get them? I have a Qualifying Condition. 


 We are Medical Card Doctors in Minnesota

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Medical card if you have a qualifying condition! See if you qualify

 We have received many questions on when patients can be able to buy gummies and chews?

 According to the Minnesota medical cannabis registry, patient must be registered for the medical marijuana and has a medical card in the state of Minnesota before they can begin to buy gummies and chews on Aug. 1, 2022.  

What is a registered patient?

A registered patient that has been diagnosed with one of the conditions listed. Patient diagnosed with these conditions can be certified by a Minnesota Doctor to the state of Minnesota. The patient who qualifies are approved by the state of Minesota and can now go to the dispensary to obtain the chews and gummies. 

How do I know more about the type of medical cannabis that is good for me?

The two medical marijuana dispensaries in Minnesota are Rise and Green goods. This dispensary has pharmacies. You can schedule an appointment with one of their pharmacies to discuss their products and your conditions. They will guide you in choosing what think is the best product for your condition